Not much of a story
In the world of journalism, your credibility is your currency. When that is tarnished, it’s near impossible to get it back. Countless tales exist that explore the loss and route to redemption. While...
View ArticleThe ghost of a machine
True science fiction challenges the viewer. Whether is attempts to redefine God or examine past prejudices in the future, it aims to explore questions that have yet to be asked or answered. Lately,...
View Article'Avengers' reassemble
Creating a sequel to one of the highest grossing films of all time is a formidable task. For obvious reasons, 20th Century Fox didn’t dare make a sequel to “Titanic,” but did invest in the three...
View ArticleA Lifetime TV movie about zombies
Schwarzenegger hasn’t really connected with audiences since leaving office. His comeback has yet to get any traction. Returning to his wheelhouse no longer packs the theaters like it used to. In hopes...
View ArticleTexas and the fugitive
Road trip movies; they can be exciting and adventurous or overly long and hard to enjoy. The idea is to keep the story and characters moving. The more insanity that ensues, the wilder the ride, the...
View ArticleThe 'Spy' Game
Melissa McCarthy has become one of the most bankable actresses around today. Since her explosive role in “Bridesmaids,” she has led both her show “Mike and Molly” as well as created profitable...
View ArticleThe Face of an Angel
True crime stories can often feel like tired retreads of the original story. Do we remember all the events that occurred in the trial? This fascination with key cases of the court system seem to...
View ArticleAnother rated R comedy
Despite being to creator of popular shows like "Family Guy," "American Dad," and so on, Seth McFarlane's brand doesn't necessarily translate beyond the small screen. He's done multiple albums and...
View ArticleThe 'Magic' gets better
The litany of films about strippers is unless. But an overwhelming amount of them are about female entertainers. Back in 2012, “Magic Mike” shed a shining light on a male side of the coin. Channing...
View ArticleThe minions are here
Family films are known for having characters that become fan favorites. Sometimes, secondary roles become more beloved than the leads. This fandom leads to endless merchandising, an easier time with...
View ArticleBig budget; intimate story
Summer tent poles rarely feel like an intimate affair. Studios seem to think that big budget fare requires a scale to match. This is not necessary. Marty McFly merely wanted to ensure he was born and...
View Article'Mission Impossible' still on point
Franchises are notorious examples of the law of diminishing returns. Either the quality or success (or both) of latter entries in a series of films leads to dreadful words like reboot or remake. In...
View ArticleSecond tier book adaptation
Gillian Flynn was incredibly fortunate when David Fincher chose her book “Gone Girl” for the big screen. His keen eye crafted a delightfully volatile film netting Rosamund Pike an Oscar nomination and...
View ArticleLaughter in the heartbreak
Divorce is an everyday occurrence. Knowing people who have been married previously is commonplace. Though some unions end amicably, that is not always the case. Jobs, friends, and especially children,...
View ArticleDeath by accident, bland by execution
Springing in to save the day isn’t without its consequences. The plight of being a hero, or even being relied upon by another person, can lead to bizarre situations. This is especially true in the...
View Article'The Green Inferno' wants blood
Whatever happened to the Splat Pack, a collection of horror directors that blended extreme gore with horror in the early 2000s? They launched “Saw” into an annual occurrence each Halloween, made Rob...
View ArticleWho's there?
Home invasion tales tap into a primal place. Having a safe place or sanctuary violated is absolutely terrifying. Thrillers and horror films thrive on making safety hard to come by. Tension builds as...
View ArticleSpooky ghosts leap off the page for Hollywood
There used to be a time in cinema, in the Golden Age, when a movie could be appealing for all ages. It didn’t require a huge effects budget, just a solid story that excited any age. Movies like...
View ArticleThe dreaded dreadful
Aristotle said the most important element of drama is plot. More than characters or anything else, it has to begin with a story to tell. In the absence of plot, a film becomes a mess of...
View ArticleWitches and CGI
Hollywood has conditioned horror fans that witches are evil. Burn them, stake them, just don’t let them live. Yes, attempts have been made to humanize and glorify the concept of a good witch, but...
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